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Resenting someone else for their work has never been something I felt comfortable accepting. Almost as if I resent something, but lie to myself about the emotion of it. Well, its fairly important to just let it be and the point of this series is honesty at all costs. I find it hard to accept another person’s work if I think their character is undeserving of any success, even though the measure of another person’s character is not up to me, I don’t decide, well who frickin decides then?  Its the ultimate dichotomy I’ve come to know so well. I want them to be highly successful, I just hate their personalities,I hate their f@king shoes, and their dumb artwork even though it looks amazing, so I hope they fail at the same time. Do I envy their success or do I envy the ignorance that leads their pretense? WTF!!! (thanks Marc Maron)


Hands Are Weird Looking

I think the hardest part about living in a creative world is getting over the illness of contempt for another person’s work. I could easily reduce them, like they do to so many others in order to feel better about themselves. That would be too easy, inevitably creating a monster who always runs from raw emotion. I think its wise to wrestle with these feelings. Let them weather me, and shape something to come, ah… something creative.  If I’m to be truly honest, the resentment feeds my muse, its doing so right now. Maybe thats a dangerous game to play with my creative spirit, but I think its healthy at this point. I seem to embrace and celebrate most people. But these cats are just f@cking rotten. I dislike them more as we spin through to summer. So enlightened in a still shot, but yet the truth can’t hide behind a camera, neither can the apathy that seeps from their quasi-earthy-dispositions. Get a new pair of shoes and stop spending so much time trying to look like you didn’t spend so much time, and just maybe I’ll wish you success. Wait, is this about me? No, but I can be pretty pretentious, and I need a new pair of shoes. I want a pair of those Toms, they look cool man.

F@%k you resentment, and f@%k you Mr. Apathy. This one was made for you and me.

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